Friday, August 10, 2012

Lucy turns 3!

I'm having a little trouble accepting the idea that my baby girl has just turned 3!! Time is a strange beast - although so much has happened since Lucy was born and it feels like she's always been with us, it also feels like she is still my little baby who can't possibly have reached 3 years of age!

As often seems to be the case with birthdays, Lucy's 3 years have been celebrated over a number of days with lots of family and friends. It was special to be able to celebrate with our church family on the day of her birthday - and we took the opportunity to praise God for her life, and especially that she has now been in remission from leukaemia for over 19 months!

She has recently had grommets put in her ears, and in the week since the procedure it has been exciting to see her general responsiveness and attempts at talking take off. She seems much more willing to give repeating words a go, and I was excited to hear her completely independently give a rendition of "Roly Poly, (ever so slowly)" - complete with perfect roly poly arms, which is a new song to her. I'm also especially loving the new clarity and regularity with which she is saying "Mama", rather than the usual "Bup". We're looking forward to hearing lots more from this little girl soon - well she's always had a lot to say, and we're looking forward to being able to understand more of it!

Yep, still more interested in the paper....

Pancakes for birthday breakfast

Cake at church

More cakes at Early Ed - as ever an opportunity to learn.... counting practise all round!

Yet more cake at morning tea with special friends

Friends on the trampoline

Lucy has become quite the pro at cakes, and is really keen on blowing out candles - well trying to blow them out! Even when people just sing happy birthday without any cake in view, at the end of the song she gives a blow. Ah my gorgeous girl. And I love that she's not really interested in presents at all - much more in the people who bring them (and any cake they might have).

But many thanks to all those who sent birthday wishes and cards, and bought lovely presents AND helped us eat more cake than we've seen around here for months! She is one special and loved little lady.

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